우리 예술가

김나현(Hayley Kim)

김나현 (Hayley Kim) / Essence / Collage and Acrylic on Canvas / 91.5 x 61 / 2020 / 700,000
김나현 (Hayley Kim) / Baa / Acrylic on Canvas / 61 x 46 / 2022 / 600,000
김나현 (Hayley Kim) / First Guest / Acrylic on Canvas / Diameter 25.5 / 2021 / 450,000


My canvas is my own world, and in essence, it is a reflection of myself. Within it, I create and perpetually explore. I am on a journey in search of the invisible waves of emotion, the threads of connection and the essence of being.
The vivid colours and layered textures that emerge are intended to evoke an indescribable language. This unending journey seeks to transcend mere presentation, inviting us into this realm.
Within the gallery space, we trace our memories, unearth fragments of dreams momentarily forgotten and reawaken the vitality of life. This journey goes beyond mere viewing, guiding us into an emotional symphony with art, where we can communicate with our truest and most genuine selves.
I wish for my artwork to become both a question and an answer to all who behold them in this exhibition. Through this, I hope we may discover our own narratives and feel, even if just a sliver, our authentic selves. Standing before my work, let us converse not with words but with feelings and emotions, forming a silent solidarity that speaks volumes and feeling the breath that unites all our hearts. Perhaps, this is the very journey of art we create together.
나의 캔버스는 나만의 세계, 그리고 나 자신 자체이기도 한다. 이 안에서 나는 스스로를 창조하고, 또 끊임없이 탐험한다. 나는 보이지 않는 감정의 물결, 연결의 실, 그리고 존재의 본질을 찾아 헤메는 나만의 모험을 하는 중이다.
드러나는 화려한 색감과 층층이 쌓인 질감은 말로 전할 수 없는 그 어떤 언어를 불러일으키고자 한다. 이 끝나지 않을 모험은 그저 보여주는 것을 넘어, 나는 우리를 그 세계로 초대하고자 한다.
갤러리 라는 공간에서, 우리는 각자의 기억을 더듬고, 잠시 잊었던 꿈의 파편들을 꺼내어 보며, 삶의 생동감을 다시 느낀다. 이 모든 것은 단순한 관람을 넘어 예술과 정서적으로 교감하며 각자의 진실되고 순수한 내면과 소통할 수 있는 여정으로 이끈다.
나는 나의 작품들이 이 전시를 관람하는 우리 모두에게 질문이자 대답이 되길 원한다.  그렇게 예술을 통해 우리만의 이야기를 발견하고, 우리의 진실된 모습을 조금이나마 느낄수 있기를 희망한다.  나의 작품 앞에 서서 단어가 아닌 감정과 느낌으로 대화를 나누고, 많은 것을 말해주는 조용한 공감대를 형성하며, 우리 모두의 마음을 하나로 이어주는 숨결을 느끼게 될때, 결국 그것이 바로 우리가 함께 만들어가는 예술의 여정이 아닐까.